I. 學術出版
A. 學術書籍/文章- 〈香港人視角下的宣教解讀:約四1~42中的「水」〉。(“A Missional Reading from a Hongkonger’s Perspective: “Water” in John 4:1~42.”) In Thus it is Written: Missional Readings from the New Testament in Chinese Perspective, edited by David H.F. Ng. Edinburgh: Latreia, forthcoming.
- “'For God So Loved Hong Kong/Hongkongers': A Literary and Territoriality Reading of John 3:16-21.” In The New Testament around the World: Exploring Key Texts from Different Contexts, edited by Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2025.
- 《普通書信.壹與希伯來書》。鮑會園牧師神學叢書:聖經釋讀第十一冊。香港:播道會文字部,2024。ISBN: 9789626735121
- 《與彼得同讀舊約──彼得前書的彌賽亞「新時代」》。文本互涉系列。香港:天道,2021。ISBN: 9789888741168 [天道網站] [谷歌圖書] (基督教出版聯會 第十屆金書獎最佳新晉作者 [學術組別] 的入圍作品)。
- 〈從猶太彌賽亞主義的向度再思約翰福音中潔淨聖殿的解經困局。〉 《山道期刊》22, no.1(2019):81-105 。
- Apprehension of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe 399. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. ISBN: 3161540654, 978-3161540653 [Worldcat entry] [Google Books entry] [Ebook from Mohr Siebeck] [Amazon Kindle edition]
Reviewed in the following academic journals:- New Testament Abstracts 60, no. 1 (2016): 160.
- Journal for the Study of the New Testament 38, no. 5 (2016): 51-52 (David M. Ball).
- Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59, no. 3 (2016): 632-35 (C. Scott Shidemantle).
- Review of Biblical Literature (the Society of Biblical Literature) March 2017: http://www.bookreviews.org/bookdetail.asp?TitleId=10779 (Deolito Vender Vistar Jr.).
- Revue Biblique 127, no. 4 (2017): 632-33 (Joseph Lê Minh Thông, O.P.) (French).
- Religious Studies Review 43, no. 4 (2017): 404-5 (Stan Harstine).
- Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 50, no. 1 (2018): 112-14 (Christopher Seglenieks).
- «Bulletin Johannique», Recherches de Science Religieuse 106, no.2 (2018): 287-88 (David Pastorelli) (French).
- Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt, Serie A 43 (2018): 263-264 (Alexander Drews) (German).
- La Ciudad de Dios: Revista agustiniana 232, no.1 (2019): 213-214 (J. Gutiérrez)(Spanish).
- Theologische Literaturzeitung 145 (2020): 1216-1218 (German).
- "When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2:23-25." Biblica 95, no.4 (2014): 570-588.
Abstract: This paper revisits the role of 2,23-25 in the first few chapters of the Gospel of John. Having surveyed the viewpoints of recent commentaries and observed some inadequacies, I examined the sense-unit delimitation of the earliest Greek papyri and codices dated within three centuries from the New Testament era. From these earliest textual evidences, I observed a phenomenon being at odds with the predominant views of the modern commentators. The significance of these findings, pointing to the interpretative acts of the copyists, is then discussed. Subsequently, from a narratival perspective, I highlighted the thematic linkages of 2,23-25 to 1,35-2,22. 2,23-25 should better be seen as an anticlimactic concluding remark. Such an analysis, in return, helps us to confirm why it seemed appropriate to the earliest readers/ copyists of the Gospel to have ascribed 2,23-25 to the previous context. With the result of the present investigation, it is hoped that new light can be shed to the role of 2,23-25 in John 1–2, as this new light is shone from and grounded in the oldest available textual testimonies. These papyri and codices still speak today. - 〈『傳道人』作什麼見證?:約翰福音的見證觀初探。〉林志成,梁美心編,115-42。《講道、牧養、領導:播道神學院八十週年院慶神學文集》。香港:播道神學院,2012。ISBN: 978-988-99691-6-5.
- "How 'True' Is the 'Witness': An Examination of the Use of ALĒTHĒS and MARTYRIA with Special Reference to John 19:35." unpublished ThM thesis; Deerfield, IL: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2008. [Worldcat entry] [Google Books entry] (《「見證」有多「真」:約十九35中的ἈΛΗΘΗΣ與ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ用法研究》).
Abstract: The Johannine concept of “witness” has often been interpreted in terms of a set of exclusive conceptual theological beliefs or convictions whereas the concept of “truth” has been debated along a false dichotomy between the Hebraic notion of faithfulness and the Greek notion of the Platonic reality of changeless ideas. By re-examining the meanings of these two concepts in the Fourth Gospel (FG), this thesis attempts to show their deficiencies by arguing that “witness” actually relates to fact and/or conviction, whereas “truth” has a dimension which connotes truthfulness. On the basis of these arguments, this thesis revisits the meaning of 19:35. I attempt to show that the author of the FG in 19:35 is championing his account as both historically and theologically reliable, which then serves as the basis for engendering faith. This understanding, in turn, sets 19:35 as the culmination and nucleus of Jesus’ death scene in vv.28-37, which further makes it a central focal point of the passion narrative in the FG. Lastly, by exploring the connection of 19:35 with 20:30-31 and 21:24-25, I attempt to show that these three texts express the author’s underlying historical and theological concerns in a delicate and organic manner. Taken as a whole, the entire FG could even be claimed as “a gospel of truthful witness.”
- Chan, Alan KamYau. The Melchizedek Passages In The Bible: A Case Study For Inner-Biblical And Inter-Biblical Interpretation. Edited by Josaphat Tam. Berlin: De Gruyter Open, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-11-044009-6.
- Review of Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by E. Stewart, E. Harris and D. Lewis. Ancient West & East 22 (2023): 478-479.
- Review of Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church, by Hans Boersma. Religious Studies Review 45, no. 3 (Sept 2019): 385.
- Review of Work, Labour, and Professions in the Roman World, edited by Koenraad Verboven and Christian Laes. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.10.29.
- Review of Studies in John's Gospel and Epistles: Collected Essays, by Maarten J. J. Menken. Journal of Theological Studies 68, no. 1 (2017): 297-99.
- Review of John: Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament, by Murray J. Harris. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 60, no. 1 (2017): 205-207.
- Review of Interpreting the General Letters: An Exegetical Handbook, by Herbert W. Bateman IV. Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture 46, no. 4 (Nov 2016): 212.
- "Pilgrimage, the Never Outdated Religious Practice": Review of Pilgrimage: A Very Short Introduction, by Ian Reader. Expository Times 128, no.2 (Nov 2016): 95.
- "An Updated Introduction to Roman Catholicism": Review of Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity, 2nd edition, by Gerald O'Collins and Mario Farrugia. Expository Times 127, no. 10 (July 2016): 513.
- "A Bible Introduction with a Distinct Perspective": Review of The Abingdon Introduction to the Bible: Understanding Jewish and Christian Scriptures, by Joel S. Kaminsky, Joel N. Lohr, and Mark Reasoner. Expository Times 127, no. 9 (June 2016): 464-65.
- "Understanding Canon": Review of The Formation and Significance of the Christian Biblical Canon: A Study in Text, Ritual and Interpretation, by Tomas Bokedal. Expository Times 126, no. 11 (August 2015): 557-58.
- "A New Update on Ancient Greek Religion": Review of Ancient Greek Religion, 2nd edition, by Jon D. Mikalson. Expository Times 126, no. 10 (July 2015): 517.
- "Love Is Not a Word, It is...": Review of Love in the Gospel of John: An Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study, by Francis J. Moloney. Expository Times 126, no. 10 (July 2015): 513.
- "A Postcolonial Gem": Review of Discourses of Empire: The Gospel of Mark from a Postcolonial Perspective, by Hans Leander. Expository Times 126, no. 7 (April 2015): 352-53.
- "A 'Psychological Hermeneutical' Kaleidoscope": Review of Psychological Hermeneutics for Biblical Themes and Texts: A Festschrift in Honor of Wayne G. Rollins, edited by J. Harold Ellens. Expository Times 125, no. 12 (Sept 2014): 613-14.
- Review of Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. François Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.org/2014/03/01/csfg/ (assessed 1 March, 2014).
- "Up-to-date Survey on Modern Hermeneutical Thoughts": Review of Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, by Stanley E. Porter and Jason C. Robinson. Expository Times 125, no. 2 (Nov 2013): 100-1.
- Review of The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John, edited by Craig R. Koester and Reimund Bieringer. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.org/2013/07/19/jfr/ (assessed 19 July, 2013).
- "An Update on Swinburne’s Two Handy Books on God": Review of Is There a God? 2nd edition and Was Jesus God?, by Richard Swinburne. Expository Times 124, no. 10 (July 2013): 516-17.
- "Another Take on the Kernel Husk Separation": Review of The People’s Jesus: Trajectories in Early Christianity, by Robin Scroggs. Expository Times 124, no. 9 (June 2013): 456-57.
- "A Social Memory Approach to Jesus": Review of The Historiographical Jesus: Memory, Typology, and the Son of David, by Anthony Le Donne. Expository Times 123, no. 7 (April 2012): 361-62.
- Review of The Rhetorical Impact of the Semeia in the Gospel of John, by Willis Hedley Salier. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/the-rhetorical-impact-of-the-semeia-in-the-gospel-of-john/ (assessed 18 Feb, 2012).
- Review of Revelation and Concealment of Christ: A Theological Inquiry into the Elusive Language of the Fourth Gospel, by Saeed Hamid-Khani. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/revelation-and-concealment-of-christ-a-theological-inquiry-into-the-elusive-language-of-the-fourth-gospel/ (assessed 24 Jan, 2012).
- "Lessons Learned from Teaching NT Study." Presentation at the NT Group of Hong Kong Theological Education Association Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, 17 Feb 2017.
- "Grasping the Divine: A Summary of a Journey Yet to Be Completed." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Consultation, Ridley Hall, Cambridge, U.K., 31 March - 3 April, 2014.
- "When Papyri and Codices Speak: Manuscript Evidence on John 2:23-25 and Its Exegetical Implications." Paper presented at the British New Testament Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K., 29-31 August 2013.
- "John 10 in Light of the Concept of Apprehension of Jesus." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Annual Consultation, Ridley Hall, Cambridge, U.K., 18 April, 2013.
- "When Papyri and Codices Have Something to Say on John…” Paper presented at the Biblical Studies Research Seminar, New College, the University of Edinburgh, 29 March 2013.
- "Remembering as an Element of Apprehending Jesus in the Gospel of John." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Regional Meeting, Edinburgh, 1 February 2011.
- Tam, Josaphat C. Endorsement to The Virgin Birth According to Temple Christology, by David H. Wenkel. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2024. (Website info: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666970708/The-Virgin-Birth-According-to-Temple-Christology )
- 李志秋。《
當基督徒面對逼迫》。袁達志译。谭志超薦言。爱丁堡:贤理·璀雅出版社,2023。 - 雅各·汤普森 (James Thompson)。《像保罗一样讲道》。李颖妍,徐一方译。谭志超薦言。爱丁堡:贤理·璀雅出版社,2019。
- 保罗·巴内特(Paul Barnett)。《罗马书:神之义的启示》。徐西面,李咏祈,覃达译。谭志超序。爱丁堡:神学教育出版社,2017。
- ———. Endorsement to Jesus' Crucifixion Beatings and the Book of Proverbs, by David H. Wenkel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. (Website info: http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783319482699#reviews )
- ———. Endorsement to Shining Like the Sun: A Biblical Theology of Meeting God Face to Face, by David H. Wenkel. Wooster, OH: Weaver, 2016. (Website info: https://www.weaverbookcompany.com/future-releases/shining-like-sun-biblical-theology-meeting-god-face-face )
- ———. Endorsement to This is True Grace of God: The Shaping of Social Behavioural Instructions by Theology in 1 Peter, by Joyce Wai-Lan Sun. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Langham Monographs, 2016.
II. 一般出版
A. 播道神學院院訊文章:
- 〈認清召命與呼召〉。《播道神學院院訊》 第221期,2024年12月,1-3。
- 〈 世事真的給你看透?:大時代中重讀啟示錄。〉《播道神學院院訊》 第204期,2020年10月,1-4。
- 〈再思新約正典權威。〉《播道神學院院訊》 第190期,2017年3月,1-4。
- 〈異象谷:潔淨。〉黃天權與譚志超合譯。《播道神學院院訊》第185期,2015年12月,8。
- 〈異象谷:醒悟的罪人;愛。〉黃天權與譚志超合譯。《播道神學院院訊》第184期,2015年10月,4-5。
- 〈異象谷:恩澤。〉黃天權與譚志超合譯。《播道神學院院訊》第183期,2015年6月,4。
- 〈重尋清教徒的屬靈傳統:禱文集《異象谷》介紹。〉黃天權與譚志超合著。《播道神學院院訊》第182期,2015年4月,1-2。
- 〈課餘隨筆:神學及聖經工具參考網頁。〉《播道神學院院訊》,第150期,2008年12月,3。
- 〈也談希伯來書六章9節的中文翻譯。〉《播道神學院院訊》,第146期,2008年2月,2-3。
- 趙詠琴、譚志超編。《我是這樣蒙召的-播道神學院神學生蒙召見證集》。香港:播道神學院,2017。
- 〈我的蒙召見證。〉杜福恩編。《獻身事主 ──神學生蒙召見證集》。香港:播道神學院,2001。
B. 平安月報
- 〈還聖經應有色彩。〉《平安月報》,2016年3月,1-2。
- 〈真的全家都必得救?〉《平安月報》,2015年7月,3。
- 〈坐在寶座上的撒但:在這時候再思啟示錄的另一個寶座。〉《平安月報》,2015年3月,2-4。
- 〈我們的桌前默想。〉《平安月報》,2013年7月,5。
- 〈一個平安人(家庭)在愛丁堡(二)。〉《平安月報》,2011年09月,8-9 [按這裏檢視原本版本]。
- 〈一個平安人(家庭)在愛丁堡(一)。〉《平安月報》,2011年08月,6-7 [按這裏檢視原本版本]。
- 〈保羅人生旅程中的「或者」:淺談腓三9-11。〉《平安月報》,2009年10月,9-10。
- 〈保羅的業績公佈:淺談腓三7-8。〉《平安月報》,2009年09月,9-10。
- 〈經文淺釋:從「坐在寶座上的羔羊」說起。〉《平安月報》,2007年11月,8-10。
- 〈約14:1-3應否用在安息禮拜的場合?〉《平安月報》,2007年8月,9。
- 〈不要摸我」與「秘密升天」?〉《平安月報》,2007年7月,9。
- 〈從『舊』到『新』-彼得眼中的新人類:彼前二9淺釋。〉《平安月報》,2006年3月,1-2。
C. 其他刊物
- 〈回到聖經.渴慕主言。〉《傳書》第32卷,第3期,總189期,2024年6月,10-11。
- 〈為光作見證的「無名氏」。〉釋經講道專欄,《基督教週報》第2958期,2021年5月2日,5。
- 〈約十八28-十九16:耶穌加冕的日子。〉《舉目》第90期 ,2019年4月號,52-55 (Flipping book version; 簡體pdf; 繁體pdf)。
- 〈真的「昔在、今在、以後永在」? 啟示錄一個被人忽略了的地方。〉《時代論壇》,2011年1月16日,11(按這裏檢視附註釋的全文)。
- 〈信、不信與求主幫助。〉《播道月報》第234期,2010年4月,10-11。
- 〈事奉的託付。〉《基督教週報》第 2007 期,2003 年 2 月 9 日。
- 蓋大衛著,譚志超譯。《德蘭修女是一個真正基督徒嗎?──暨德蘭修女的一個同工的訪問》。香港:基督教改革宗出版社,1996。ISBN, 9628185039, 9789628185030。
- 〈聯會辦講壇事奉研習 譚志超示範宣講新約信息。〉《基督教週報》第3014期,2022年5月29日,1。
- 顧碧素整理。研討會成員:郭文池、柯廣輝、紀治興、譚志超、盧子劍、柯惠傑、及關栩楨。〈播神未來神學教育發展方向。〉《播道月報》第316期,2017年9月,8-10。
- McGregor, Liz. "One Year On: Edinburgh Revisited, July 2015." Transform: Inspiring Christlikeness, Autumn 2015, 6-7.
- ———. "I Have More Confidence in God and in Myself to Face What the Future Holds." Langham Partnership: UK & Ireland, 23 July, 2014. Assessed 30 December, 2015. http://uk.langham.org/confidence-god-face-future-holds/ (= "Scholarship with 'Double Reward' -Meeting with Cookie." Langham Newsletter, Autumn 2014, 3. [中文版])
- 〈牧者心聲—照片、有黑點的蕉與我的心。〉《青衣平安福音堂週刊》,2016年3月20日。
- 〈顧問家書/牧者心聲。〉愛丁堡華人基督教會,2011年10月-2013年8月。
- 〈最後一次牧者心聲 。〉《青衣平安福音堂週刊》,2006年12月24日。