
I. 學術出版 

A. 學術書籍/文章
  1. 〈香港人視角下的宣教解讀:約四1~42中的「水」〉。(“A Missional Reading from a Hongkonger’s Perspective: “Water” in John 4:1~42.”) In Thus it is Written: Missional Readings from the New Testament in Chinese Perspective, edited by David H.F. Ng. Edinburgh: Latreia, forthcoming.
  2. “'For God So Loved Hong Kong/Hongkongers': A Literary and Territoriality Reading of John 3:16-21.” In The New Testament around the World: Exploring Key Texts from Different Contexts, edited by Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2025. 
  3. 普通書信.壹希伯來書》。鮑會園牧師神學叢書聖經釋讀第十一冊。香港:播道會文字部,2024。ISBN: 9789626735121
  4. 《與彼得同讀舊約──彼得前書的彌賽亞「新時代」》。文本互涉系列。香港:天道,2021。ISBN: 9789888741168 [天道網站] [谷歌圖書] (基督教出版聯會 第十屆金書獎最佳新晉作者 [學術組別] 的入圍作品
  5. 〈從猶太彌賽亞主義的向度再思約翰福音中潔淨聖殿的解經困局。〉 《山道期刊》22, no.1(2019):81-105 。
  6. Apprehension of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe 399. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. ISBN: 3161540654, 978-3161540653 [Worldcat entry] [Google Books entry]  [Ebook from Mohr Siebeck] [Amazon Kindle edition]
    Reviewed in the following academic journals:  
    • New Testament Abstracts 60, no. 1 (2016): 160.
    • Journal for the Study of the New Testament 38, no. 5 (2016): 51-52 (David M. Ball). 
    • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59, no. 3 (2016): 632-35 (C. Scott Shidemantle).
    • Review of Biblical Literature (the Society of Biblical Literature) March 2017: http://www.bookreviews.org/bookdetail.asp?TitleId=10779 (Deolito Vender Vistar Jr.). 
    • Revue Biblique 127, no. 4 (2017): 632-33 (Joseph Lê Minh Thông, O.P.) (French).
    • Religious Studies Review 43, no. 4 (2017): 404-5 (Stan Harstine). 
    • Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review 50, no. 1 (2018): 112-14 (Christopher Seglenieks).  
    • «Bulletin Johannique», Recherches de Science Religieuse 106, no.2 (2018): 287-88 (David Pastorelli) (French).
    •  Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt, Serie A 43 (2018): 263-264 (Alexander Drews) (German).
    • La Ciudad de Dios: Revista agustiniana 232, no.1 (2019): 213-214 (J. Gutiérrez)(Spanish).
    •  Theologische Literaturzeitung 145 (2020): 1216-1218 (German).
  7. "When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2:23-25." Biblica 95, no.4 (2014): 570-588.
    Abstract: This paper revisits the role of 2,23-25 in the first few chapters of the Gospel of John.  Having surveyed the viewpoints of recent commentaries and observed some inadequacies, I examined the sense-unit delimitation of the earliest Greek papyri and codices dated within three centuries from the New Testament era.  From these earliest textual evidences, I observed a phenomenon being at odds with the predominant views of the modern commentators.  The significance of these findings, pointing to the interpretative acts of the copyists, is then discussed.  Subsequently, from a narratival perspective, I highlighted the thematic linkages of 2,23-25 to 1,35-2,22.  2,23-25 should better be seen as an anticlimactic  concluding remark.  Such an analysis, in return, helps us to confirm why it seemed appropriate to the earliest readers/ copyists of the Gospel to have ascribed 2,23-25 to the previous context.  With the result of the present investigation, it is hoped that new light can be shed to the role of 2,23-25 in John 1–2, as this new  light is shone from and grounded in the oldest available textual testimonies.  These papyri and codices still speak today.
  8. 『傳道人』作什麼見證?:約翰福音的見證觀初探林志成,梁美心編,115-42。《講道、牧養、領導:播道神學院八十週年院慶神學文集》。香港:播道神學院,2012。ISBN: 978-988-99691-6-5. 
  9. "How 'True' Is the 'Witness': An Examination of the Use of ALĒTHĒS and MARTYRIA with Special Reference to John 19:35." unpublished ThM thesis; Deerfield, IL: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2008. [Worldcat entry] [Google Books entry] (《見證」有多真」:約十九35中的ἈΛΗΘΗΣ與ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ用法研究》).
    Abstract: The Johannine concept of “witness” has often been interpreted in terms of a set of exclusive conceptual theological beliefs or convictions whereas the concept of “truth” has been debated along a false dichotomy between the Hebraic notion of faithfulness and the Greek notion of the Platonic reality of changeless ideas.  By re-examining the meanings of these two concepts in the Fourth Gospel (FG), this thesis attempts to show their deficiencies by arguing that “witness” actually relates to fact and/or conviction, whereas “truth” has a dimension which connotes truthfulness.  On the basis of these arguments, this thesis revisits the meaning of 19:35.  I attempt to show that the author of the FG in 19:35 is championing his account as both historically and theologically reliable, which then serves as the basis for engendering faith.  This understanding, in turn, sets 19:35 as the culmination and nucleus of Jesus’ death scene in vv.28-37, which further makes it a central focal point of the passion narrative in the FG.  Lastly, by exploring the connection of 19:35 with 20:30-31 and 21:24-25, I attempt to show that these three texts express the author’s underlying historical and theological concerns in a delicate and organic manner.  Taken as a whole, the entire FG could even be claimed as “a gospel of truthful witness.” 
B. 編輯書籍
  1. Chan, Alan KamYau. The Melchizedek Passages In The Bible: A Case Study For Inner-Biblical And Inter-Biblical Interpretation. Edited by Josaphat Tam. Berlin: De Gruyter Open, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-11-044009-6.
C. 書評
  1. Review of Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by E. Stewart, E. Harris and D. Lewis. Ancient West & East 22 (2023): 478-479.
  2. Review of Scripture as Real Presence: Sacramental Exegesis in the Early Church, by Hans Boersma. Religious Studies Review 45, no. 3 (Sept 2019): 385.
  3. Review of Work, Labour, and Professions in the Roman World, edited by Koenraad Verboven and Christian Laes. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.10.29.
  4. Review of Studies in John's Gospel and Epistles: Collected Essays, by Maarten J. J. Menken. Journal of Theological Studies 68, no. 1 (2017): 297-99.
  5. Review of John: Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament, by Murray J. Harris. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 60, no. 1 (2017): 205-207.
  6. Review of Interpreting the General Letters: An Exegetical Handbook, by Herbert W. Bateman IV. Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture 46, no. 4 (Nov 2016): 212. 
  7. "Pilgrimage, the Never Outdated Religious Practice": Review of Pilgrimage: A Very Short Introduction, by Ian Reader. Expository Times 128, no.2 (Nov 2016): 95.
  8. "An Updated Introduction to Roman Catholicism": Review of Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity, 2nd edition, by Gerald O'Collins and Mario Farrugia.
  9. Expository Times 127, no. 10 (July 2016): 513.
  10. "A Bible Introduction with a Distinct Perspective": Review of The Abingdon Introduction to the Bible: Understanding Jewish and Christian Scriptures, by Joel S. Kaminsky, Joel N. Lohr, and Mark Reasoner. Expository Times 127, no. 9 (June 2016): 464-65.
  11. "Understanding Canon": Review of The Formation and Significance of the Christian Biblical Canon: A Study in Text, Ritual and Interpretation, by Tomas Bokedal. Expository Times 126, no. 11 (August 2015): 557-58.   
  12. "A New Update on Ancient Greek Religion": Review of Ancient Greek Religion, 2nd edition, by Jon D. Mikalson. Expository Times 126, no. 10 (July 2015): 517. 
  13. "Love Is Not a Word, It is...": Review of Love in the Gospel of John: An Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study, by Francis J. Moloney. Expository Times 126, no. 10 (July 2015): 513.
  14. "A Postcolonial Gem": Review of Discourses of Empire: The Gospel of Mark from a Postcolonial Perspective, by Hans Leander. Expository Times 126, no. 7 (April 2015): 352-53.  
  15. "A 'Psychological Hermeneutical' Kaleidoscope": Review of Psychological Hermeneutics for Biblical Themes and Texts: A Festschrift in Honor of Wayne G. Rollins, edited by J. Harold Ellens. Expository Times 125, no. 12 (Sept 2014): 613-14. 
  16. Review of Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. François Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.org/2014/03/01/csfg/ (assessed 1 March, 2014).
  17. "Up-to-date Survey on Modern Hermeneutical Thoughts": Review of Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory, by Stanley E. Porter and Jason C. Robinson. Expository Times 125, no. 2 (Nov 2013): 100-1. 
  18. Review of The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John, edited by Craig R. Koester and Reimund Bieringer. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.org/2013/07/19/jfr/ (assessed 19 July, 2013). 
  19. "An Update on Swinburne’s Two Handy Books on God": Review of Is There a God? 2nd edition and Was Jesus God?, by Richard Swinburne. Expository Times 124, no. 10 (July 2013): 516-17.
  20. "Another Take on the Kernel Husk Separation": Review of The People’s Jesus: Trajectories in Early Christianity, by Robin Scroggs. Expository Times 124, no. 9 (June 2013): 456-57.
  21. "A Social Memory Approach to Jesus": Review of The Historiographical Jesus: Memory, Typology, and the Son of David, by Anthony Le Donne. Expository Times 123, no. 7 (April 2012): 361-62.  
  22. Review of The Rhetorical Impact of the Semeia in the Gospel of John, by Willis Hedley Salier. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/the-rhetorical-impact-of-the-semeia-in-the-gospel-of-john/ (assessed 18 Feb, 2012).
  23. Review of Revelation and Concealment of Christ: A Theological Inquiry into the Elusive Language of the Fourth Gospel, by Saeed Hamid-Khani. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, http://rbecs.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/revelation-and-concealment-of-christ-a-theological-inquiry-into-the-elusive-language-of-the-fourth-gospel/ (assessed 24 Jan, 2012).
D. 會議文章發表
  1. "Lessons Learned from Teaching  NT Study." Presentation at the NT Group of Hong Kong Theological Education Association Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, 17 Feb 2017.
  2. "Grasping the Divine: A Summary of a Journey Yet to Be Completed." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Consultation, Ridley Hall, Cambridge, U.K., 31 March - 3 April, 2014. 
  3. "When Papyri and Codices Speak: Manuscript Evidence on John 2:23-25 and Its Exegetical Implications." Paper presented at the British New Testament Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K., 29-31 August 2013.  
  4. "John 10 in Light of the Concept of Apprehension of Jesus." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Annual Consultation, Ridley Hall, Cambridge, U.K., 18 April, 2013. 
  5. "When Papyri and Codices Have Something to Say on John…” Paper presented at the Biblical Studies Research Seminar, New College, the University of Edinburgh, 29 March 2013.  
  6. "Remembering as an Element of Apprehending Jesus in the Gospel of John." Paper presented at the Langham Scholars Regional Meeting, Edinburgh, 1 February 2011.
E. 書籍薦言/序
  1. Tam, Josaphat C. Endorsement to The Virgin Birth According to Temple Christology, by David H. Wenkel. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2024. (Website info: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666970708/The-Virgin-Birth-According-to-Temple-Christology )
  2. 李志秋。當基督徒面對逼迫》。袁達志谭志超薦言。爱丁堡:贤理·璀雅出版社,2023
  3. 雅各·汤普森 (James Thompson)像保罗一样讲道李颖妍,徐一方译。谭志超薦言。爱丁堡:贤理·璀雅出版社,2019
  4. 保罗·巴内特(Paul Barnett)罗马书:神之义的启示徐西面,李咏祈,覃达译。谭志超序。爱丁堡:神学教育出版社,2017
  5. ———. Endorsement to Jesus' Crucifixion Beatings and the Book of Proverbs, by David H. Wenkel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. (Website info: http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783319482699#reviews )
  6. ———. Endorsement to Shining Like the Sun: A Biblical Theology of Meeting God Face to Face, by David H. Wenkel. Wooster, OH: Weaver, 2016. (Website info: https://www.weaverbookcompany.com/future-releases/shining-like-sun-biblical-theology-meeting-god-face-face )
  7. ———. Endorsement to This is True Grace of God: The Shaping of Social Behavioural Instructions by Theology in 1 Peter, by Joyce Wai-Lan Sun. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Langham Monographs, 2016.  

II. 一般出版

A. 播道神學院
  1. 認清召命與呼召〉。《播道神學院院訊》 第221期,2024年12月,1-3。
  2. 世事真的給你看透?:大時代中重讀啟示錄。〉《播道神學院院訊》 第204期,2020年10月,1-4。
  3. 再思新約正典權威《播道神學院院訊》 第190期,2017年3月,1-4。
  4. 異象谷:潔淨黃天權譚志超譯。《播道神學院院訊》第185期,2015年12月8。 
  5. 異象谷:醒悟的罪人;愛黃天權譚志超。《播道神學院院訊》第184期,2015年10月4-5。 
  6. 異象谷:恩澤黃天權譚志超《播道神學院院訊》第183期,2015年6月4。
  7. 重尋清教徒的屬靈傳統:禱文集《異象谷》介紹黃天權譚志超著。《播道神學院院訊》第182期,2015年4月,1-2。 
  8. 課餘隨筆神學及聖經工具參考網頁《播道神學院院訊》,第150期,2008年12月,3 
  9. 也談希伯來書六章9節的中文翻譯《播道神學院院訊》,第146期,2008年2月,2-3 
  1. 趙詠琴、譚志超編。《我是這樣蒙召的-播道神學院神學生蒙召見證集》。香港:播道神學院,2017。 
  2. 我的蒙召見證。杜福恩編。獻身事主 ──神學生蒙召見證集香港:播道神學院,2001。 

B. 平安月報
  1. 還聖經應有色彩《平安月報》,2016年3月,1-2
  2. 真的全家都必得救?《平安月報》,2015年7月,3
  3.  坐在寶座上的撒但:在這時候再思啟示錄的另一個寶座《平安月報》,2015年3月,2-4
  4. 我們的桌前默想《平安月報》,2013年7月,5 
  5. 一個平安人(家庭)在愛丁堡(二)《平安月報》,2011年09月,8-9 [按這裏檢視原本版本] 
  6. 一個平安人(家庭)在愛丁堡(一)《平安月報》,2011年08月,6-7 [按這裏檢視原本版本] 
  7. 保羅人生旅程中的「或者」:淺談腓三9-11《平安月報》,2009年10月,9-10 
  8. 保羅的業績公佈:淺談腓三7-8《平安月報》,2009年09月,9-10 
  9. 經文淺釋:從「坐在寶座上的羔羊」說起《平安月報》,2007年11月,8-10 
  10. 約14:1-3應否用在安息禮拜的場合?《平安月報》,2007年8月,9 
  11. 不要摸我」與「秘密升天」?《平安月報》,2007年7月,9 
  12. 從『舊』到『新』-彼得眼中的新人類:彼前二9淺釋《平安月報》,2006年3月,1-2

C. 其他刊物
  1. 回到聖經.渴慕主言。〉《傳書》第32卷,第3期,總189期,2024年6月,10-11。
  2. 為光作見證的「無名氏」。〉釋經講道專欄,《基督教週報》第2958期,2021年5月2日,5。
  3. 約十八28-十九16:耶穌加冕的日子《舉目》第90期 ,2019年4月號,52-55 (Flipping book version; 簡體pdf; 繁體pdf)。
  4. 真的「昔在、今在、以後永在」? 啟示錄一個被人忽略了的地方《時代論壇》,2011年1月16日,11(按這裏檢視附註釋的全文 
  5. 信、不信與求主幫助《播道月報》第234期,2010年4月,10-11 
  6. 事奉的託付《基督教週報》第 2007 期,2003 年 2 月 9 日
  7. 蓋大衛著,譚志超譯。《德蘭修女是一個真正基督徒嗎?──暨德蘭修女的一個同工的訪問》。香港:基督教改革宗出版社,1996。ISBN, 9628185039, 9789628185030
D. 受訪文章/報道
  1. 聯會辦講壇事奉研習 譚志超示範宣講新約信息《基督教週報》第3014期,2022年5月29日,1。
  2. 顧碧素整理。研討會成員:郭文池、柯廣輝、紀治興、譚志超、盧子劍、柯惠傑、及關栩楨。播神未來神學教育發展方向《播道月報》第316期,2017年9月,8-10
  3.  McGregor, Liz. "One Year On: Edinburgh Revisited, July 2015." Transform: Inspiring Christlikeness, Autumn 2015, 6-7. 
  4. ———. "I Have More Confidence in God and in Myself to Face What the Future Holds." Langham Partnership: UK & Ireland, 23 July, 2014. Assessed 30 December, 2015. http://uk.langham.org/confidence-god-face-future-holds/   (= "Scholarship with 'Double Reward' -Meeting with Cookie." Langham Newsletter, Autumn 2014, 3. [中文版])
 E. 其他分享
  1. 牧者心聲照片有黑點的蕉與我的心《青衣平安福音堂週刊》,2016年3月20日  
  2. 顧問家書/牧者心聲愛丁堡華人基督教會,201110月-2013年8月 
  3. 最後一次牧者心聲 《青衣平安福音堂週刊》,200612月24日